My life In Polaroids - The Highlight Reel…So Far. (2020)

For three years and over 800 entries, in an ongoing project, I have documented my daily life within one Polaroid per day, documented with a diary written on the day it was taken. Polaroids are tangible manifestations of memories, instantly created within minutes, allowing us to embrace and remember that moment forever, whether it is mundane or memorable.

Inspired by Jim Goldberg’s Rich and Poor series, I wanted contextualize the Polaroid taken on that day with my state of mind or activities of that day, to show audiences an ongoing dialogue of my life, unfiltered and untampered snapshots that challenges the ideology of current social media trends of showing ones life.  Recording my daily life of being a student has forever immortalized a version of me that has changed, matured and almost forgotten, manifested with the words that I wrote with fleeting thoughts and emotion of that day.

 I picked these particular Polaroids for they encapsulate my lifestyle, intertwining the mundaneness study life with social life, creating that narrative of my life thus far.  After 800 diary entries, to look back on one’s recent life, it reminds you how far you’ve come, how many memories you have created, and how many more are yet to be created.

This highlight reel collection of diary entries was assembled in 2020, with more entries and polaroid since to be added.**


Cinema Stills